Friday, July 16, 2010

Yes! I'm Alive And Kickin'

I know it's late - at least where I'm at (I'll get to that in a min!) - and I thought a mini update is required, no?

Baby G left Thursday morning and Friday morning I flew out of Smaller Island for Barba-friggin'amazing-dos! Honey Lips and I spent the day and we're flying out again in a few hours to another destination!

Just came back from town where we had an amazing time.  Bajan nightlife rocks yo! Can't wait to come back.

A couple of you has passed on blogger awards to me and I thank you! I feel really special.  Will update the blog soon.

The Nino/MKL interview got a good response and I thank each and every one of you.  Nino is a good friend and I'm happy I found his blog when I did.

David from Scribnia published my interview.  Why don't you read it huh? ;p I'll post the whole interview on my blog soon!  Thank you David! ;p

Right now Honey Lips is snoring - he told me he wants to lie down for a fiver before we tackle the luggage but it looks like I'll have to wake up early in the morning to re-do the packing.

Anyjiggyway, I'll be back soon.  Be jealous in the meantime! ;p

Boatloads of kisses to y'all! xxxx


Kanwalful said...

I don't like this disappearing/short-post-writing act you're pulling woman.

Johana Hill said...

Hahahaha...I promise I'll write a longer post as soon as I reach home. 'Kay?

Irene Blushing Loves said...

looking for more posts!!!I'm jealous!!Relax and see you soon!!!

the girl in stiletto said...

im not waiting for the "mean time" to happen i'm already freaking jealous!!!!

photos soon please! at least be nice to feast our eyes upon the beautiful barbados.

TG said...

Ha! My interview got a good response, cuz I directed my followers to there, hehe. So I hope you got some more hits and maybe some new subscribers :) I like the interview you gave, good job. And I'm happy to be in the fellowship of the Johana ring, haha :P

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